Create Publication Utility

MBS Online is pleased to announce new functionality to allow the creation of dynamic real-time PDF documents based on the latest MBS information.

Page last updated: 15 October 2008

Create Publication is an easy-to-use component of MBS Online that allows the creation of dynamic real-time PDF documents. Users can enter in the MBS items they are interested in and a PDF will be created. The final PDF document will contain:

  • Title Page;
  • General Explanatory Notes;
  • Relevant Explanatory Notes to the items selected; and
  • the selected items.

This document is viewed directly from the browser and can easily be saved to the desktop or file location.

To use this new functionality simply go the Create Publication tab and enter the preferred item numbers in the 'Item Numbers box', press 'Find items>', then press 'Click here' to generate the pdf.

Create Publication Help

A Hint sheet has also be develop to assist users with this functionality.

Suggestions for Improvement

If you have any suggestions to improve this facility, Please email MBS Online.