The May 2009 Medicare Benefits Schedule is now available

Below is a summary of changes that have occured to the MBS since November 2008.

Page last updated: 16 April 2009

The PDF and RTF versions are now available to view or download from the MBS Online 2000 to 2009 page.

1 May 2009

Amendments to the General Medical Services Table

Two items (106 and 109) have been amended to clarify that they are referred services.

There has also been changes to perfusion items (22055, 22060, 22065, 22070 and 22075) to reflect the full descriptors provided in the Regulations.

There have been minor wording changes to 65 (inclusive) orthopaedic items (MBS Online 2000 to 2009 page)) in Summary of changes.

Item (47465) has been amended to allow an assistant at operations to be claimed in conjunction with the service.

Peripheral Arterial or Venous Catheterisation item (35321) has been amended to include varicose veins.

Amendments to the Pathology Services Table

New pathology items (66607, 66660, 66900, 73062, 73063, 73064 and 73065 ) have been added .

Items(66605, 66659, 71200, 73049, 73059, 73060, 73061, 73300, 73314 and 73315) have been amended.

Items(66638 and 73049) have amended fees.

Amendments to the Diagnostic Imaging Services Table

Item (63464)has had a minor wording change.

Click here for further information about diagnostic imaging.