Summary of Item Changes
Description Amended
80000, 80001, 80010, 80011, 80020, 80021, 80100, 80101, 80110, 80111, 80120, 80121, 80125, 80126, 80135, 80136, 80145, 80146, 80150, 80151, 80160, 80161, 80170, 80171
Amended Notes
AN.0.57, AN.7.23, MN.6.1, MN.6.2, MN.6.4, MN.6.5, MN.7.1, MN.7.2
Amended telehealth MBS items for psychological services
This will amend telehealth psychological items under MBS Groups M6 and M7 to include telehealth services in the maximum 10 services which may be provided in a calendar year, through removing the:
• need for a face-to-face consultation to occur within the first 4 telehealth consultations; and
• existing cap of 7 telehealth services which may be provided in a calendar year.