Medicare Support in Response to Omicron - GP and Other Medical Officer (OMP) Longer Telephone Consultation.

Information for the use of item numbers 92746 (for GPs) and 92747 (for OMPs)

Page last updated: 18 January 2022

The Australian Government has temporarily expanded telehealth support to GPs, OMPs and their patients in response to the Omicron variant.

MBS items 92746 (for GPs) and 92747 (for OMPs) will be available until 30 June 2022 for practitioners delivering longer telephone consultations, lasting 20 minutes or more.

Due to the increasing prevalence of the Omicron variant, these services are available nationally. All Medicare eligible Australians can receive these services based on normal telehealth eligibility requirements and exemptions.

PDF version Factsheet MBS Support-People-COVID-19 level C phone (PDF 285 KB)
Word version Factsheet MBS Support-People-COVID-19 level C phone (Word 246 KB)

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