ICA | 66584
IGA | 71066
IGD | 71074
IGE | 71076
IGG | 71068
IGM | 71072
Ileal atresia |
Ileo-femoral |
Ileorectal anastomosis | 32012
Ileostomy | 32009-32021
- closure of, with rectal resection 32060,32063,32066
- closure of, without resection of bowel 30562
- refashioning of 30563
- reservoir, continent type, creation of 32069
- trimming *
- with proctocolectomy 32015
- with total colectomy 32009
Iliac endarterectomy | 33518
- vein, thrombectomy 33810,33811
- vessel, ligation or exploration not otherwise covered 34103
Iliopsoas tendon transfer to greater trochanter | 50387
IMIP | 66812
Imipramine | 66812
Immediate frozen section diagnosis of biopsy material | 72855
Immunisation against infectious disease | *
Immunocyto. 1-3 antibodies ICC | 73059
Immunocyto. 4 + antibodies ICC1 | 73060
Immunocytochemical analysis of material |
- 7 -10 antibodies 73064
- 11 or more antibodies 73065
Immunoelectrophoresis and electrophoresis - characterisation of cryoglobulins RY | 71059
Immunoelectrophoresis and electrophoresis - characterisation of paraprotein PPRO | 71059
Immunoglobulins - A | 71066
Immunoglobulins - D | 71074
Immunoglobulins - E (total) | 71076
Immunoglobulins - G | 71068
Immunoglobulins - M | 71072
Immunoglobulins -G, 4 subclasses | 71073
Immunohistochemical investigation of biopsy material | 72846
Implanon, removal of | 30062
Implant, cochlear, insertion of | 41617
- epidural, for pain management, removal of 39136
- foreign, insertion for contour reconstruction 45051
- insertion or removal from eye socket 42518
Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator | 38384,38387,38371
- Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator testing 11727
- implantable bone conduction hearing system 41603,41604
Implantation, fallopian tubes into uterus | 35694,35697
Impotence, injection for investigation/treatment | 37415
Incidental appendicectomy | 30574
Incisional hernia |
Incomplete confinement | 16518
Incontinence, anal, Parks' intersphincteric procedure | 32126
- bladder stress, suprapubic operation 37044
- male urinary, injection for treatment of 37339
- stress, sling operation for 35599
Indirect flap | 45227-45239
Induction, management, second trimester labour | 16525
Indwelling oesophageal tube, gastrostomy for fixation | 30375
Infantile hydrocele, repair of | 30612,30614
Infection, acute intercurrent, complicating pregnancy | 16508
Infectious mononucleosis IM | 69384
Inferior vena cava, thrombectomy | 33810,33811
- vena caval filter, insertion of 35330
Infiltration, alcohol, etc, around nerve or in muscle | *
- of local anaesthetic (see explan notes)
Inflammation of middle ear, operation for | 41626
Infliximab | 14245
Influenza A - microbial antibody testing FLA | 69384
Influenza B - microbial antibody testing FLB | 69384
Infusion chemotherapy | 13915-13936
- chemotherapy, cannulation for 34521,34524
- device, automated, spinal, insertion of 39125-39128
- intra-arterial, sympatholytic agent 14209
Ingrowing eyelashes, operation for | 45626
Inguinal abscess, incision of | 30223
Injection, alcohol, etc, around nerve or in muscle | *
- alcohol, cortisone, phenol into trigeminal nerve 39100
- alcohol, retrobulbar 42824
- hormones, for habitual miscarriage 16504
- immunoglobulin *
- into angioma (restriction applies) 45027
- into prostate 37218
- into spinal joints or nerves 39013
- intramuscular *
- intravenous *
- local anaesthetic (see explan notes)
- sclerosant fluid into pilonidal sinus 30679
Injections, multiple, for skin lesions | 30207
Inlay graft, using a mould | 45445
Innocent bone tumour, excision of | 52063
Innominate artery, endarterectomy of | 33506
Inoculation against infectious disease | *
Insufflation Fallopian tubes, for patency (Rubin test) | 35706
Insulin | 66695
INS | 66695
Intensive care management/procedures | 13815-13888
Intercostal drain, insertion of | 38806,38809
Internal auditory meatus, exploration of | 41599
Interosseous muscle space of hand, fasciotomy of | 47981
Interphalangeal joint, arthrodesis of | 46300
- joint, arthrotomy of 46327,46330
- joint, dislocation, treatment of 47036,47039
- joint, hemiarthroplasty 46309-46321
- joint, interposition arthroplasty of 46306
- joint, joint capsule release of 46381
- joint, ligamentous repair 46333
- joint, synovectomy/capsulectomy/debridement 46336
- joint, total replacement arthroplasty of 46309-46321
- joint, volar plate arthroplasty 46307
Interscapulothoracic amputation or disarticulation | 44334
Interventional endovascular procedures | 35300-35330
Intervertebral disc/s, laminectomy for removal of | 40300
Intestinal conduit or reservoir, endoscopic examination | 36860
- duct, patent vitello, excision of 43945
- malrotation, neonatal, laparotomy for 43801,43804
- obstruction, surgical relief of 30387
- plication, Noble type, with enterolysis 30375
- remnant, abdominal wall vitello, excision of 43942
- resection, large 32000,32003
- resection, small 30565,30566
- sling procedure prior to radiotherapy 32183
- urinary conduit, revision 36609
- urinary reservoir, continent, formation 36606
Intestinal disaccharidases INTD | 66680
Intra-abdominal artery/vein, cannulation, chemotherapy | 34521
- malignancy, radical or debulking operation 30392
Intra-anal abscess, drainage of | 32174,32175
Intra-aortic balloon, counterpulsation, management | 13848,13847
Intra-arterial cannulisation for blood collection | 13842
Intra-atrial baffle, insertion of | 38745
Intracerebral tumour, craniotomy and removal of | 39709
Intracranial abscess, excision of | 39903
- aneurysm, clipping or reinforcement of sac 39800
- aneurysm, endovascular coiling 35412
- aneurysm, ligation of cervical vessel/s 39812
- arteriovenous malformation, excision of 39803
- cyst, drainage of via burr-hole 39703
- electrode placement 40709,40712
- haemorrhage, burr-hole craniotomy for 39600,39603
- infection, drainage of via burr-hole 39900
- neurectomy, for trigeminal neuralgia 39106
- pressure monitoring device, insertion of 39015
- pressure monitoring, catheter/subarachnoid bolt 13830
- stereotactic procedures 40800,40803
- tumour, biopsy and/or decompression 39706
- tumour, burr-hole biopsy for 39703,39706
- tumour, craniotomy and removal of 39709,39712
Intradiscal injection of chymopapain | 40336
Intradural lesion, laminectomy for, not otherwise covered | 40312
Intra-epithelial neoplasia, laser therapy for | 35539,35542,35545
<hr width=25% align=center>] |
Intrahepatic bypass | 30466,30467
Intramedullary tumour, laminectomy and radical excision | 40318
Intramuscular injections | *
Intranasal operation on antrum/foreign body | 53009
Intranasal operation on antrum/removal offoreign body | 41716
- operation on frontal sinus or ethmoid sinuses 41737
- operation on sphenoidal sinus 41752
Intra-ocular excision of dermoid of eye | 42574
- foreign body, removal of 42560-42569
- procedures, resuturing of wound after 42857
Intra-operative ultrasound, biliary tract | 30439
- staging of intra-abdominal tumours 30441
Intra-oral tumour, radical excision of | 30275
Intra-orbital abscess, drainage of | 42572
Intrascleral ball or cartilage, insertion of | 42515
Intrathecal infusion device, revision of | 39133
- infusion/injection (see Group T7)
- steroid injection 18232
Intrathoracic operation on heart, lungs, etc, other | 38456
Intrauterine contraceptive device, introduction of | 35503
- contraceptive device, removal of under GA 35506
- device, introduction of, for idiopathic menorrhagia 35502
- growth retardation, attendance for 16508
Intravascular brachytherapy for the treatment of coronary artery restenoses | 15360,15363,15541, 38321, 38324, 38327, 38330
Intravascular injections | *
- pressure monitoring 13876
Intravenous infusion chemotherapy | 13915-13924
- injections *
- perfusion of a sympatholytic agent 14209
- regional anaesthesia of limb 18213
Intravenous pyelogram | 58706
Intraventricular baffle, insertion of | 38754
Intubation, small bowel | 30487,30488
Intussusception, reduction of | 30375
Invitro fertilisation | 13200-13221
- processing of bone marrow 13760
Ionisation, cervix | 35608
- corneal ulcer *
- zinc, of nostrils, in the treatment of hay fever *
Iontophoresis, collection of specimen of sweat by | 12200
Iridectomy | 42764
- and sclerectomy, for glaucoma (Lagrange's op) 42746
- following intraocular procedures 42857
Iridencleisis | 42746
Iridocyclectomy | 42767
Iridotomy | 42764
laser 42785,42786
Iris and ciliary body, excision of tumour of | 42767
- excision of tumour of 42764
- tumour, laser photocoagulation of 42806
Iron kinetic test | 12503
Iron studies (iron, transferrin & ferritin) IS | 66596
Ischaemic limb, debridement of deep tissue | 35100
- limb, debridement of superficial tissue 35103
- ventricular septal rupture, repair of 38509
Ischio-rectal abscess, drainage of | 32174,32175
- abscess, incision with drainage 30223
Isoelectric focussing and electrophoresis |
- characterisation of cryoglobulins RY 71059
- characterisation of paraprotein PPROs 71059
Incision with drainage, requiring admission |
- insertion of, for drainage of middle ear 41632