Obesity |
- morbid, surgical reversal of gastric procedure 30514
Obstetric Specialist, referred consultation - Surgery or Hospital | 16401,16404,16591
OCP | 69336
Ocular muscle, torn, repair of | 42854
- coherence biometry/tomography 11240-11243
- surface dysplasia, investigation 11235
- transillumuination 42821
Oculoplethysmography, carotid vessels | 11618,11621,11624
Odontoid screw fixation | 40316
Oesophageal atresia, neonatal, operations for | 43843-43858
- atresia/corrosive stricture, replacement for 43903
- motility test, manometric 11800
- perforation, repair of, by thoracotomy 30560
- prosthesis, insertion of 30490
- stricture, endoscopic dilatation of 41819,41820
- transection for portal hypertension 30606
- tube, indwelling, gastrostomy for fixation 30375
Oesophagectomy | 30535-30557
Oesophagogastric myotomy | 30532,30533
Oesophagoscopy | 30473-30478
Oesophagostomy, cervical | 30293,30294
- cervical, neonatal oesophageal atresia 43858
- closure or plastic repair of 30293
Oesophagus, barium X-ray of | 58912
Oesophagus, resection of stricture, paediatric | 43906
- balloon dilatation of 41832
- dilatation of 41819-41831
- intrathoracic operation on, not otherwise covered 38456
- local excision for tumour 30559
- removal of foreign body in 41825
Oestradiol E2 | 66695
Oestriol E3 |
Oestrone E1 | 66695
OGP | 71062
OHP | 66695
Olecranon, excision of bursa of | 30110,30111
Oligoclonal proteins | 71062
Omentectomy, infra-colic | 35726
- with debulking operation 35720
Oophorectomy, laparoscopic | 35638
- with laparotomy, not with hysterectomy 35712-35717
- with vaginal hysterectomy 35673
Op/biopsy specimens - microscopy & culture of material from MCPO | 69321
Opaque enema | 58921
Open heart surgery, not otherwise covered | 38653
Operative arteriography or venography | 35200
- cholangiography or pancreatography 30439
- feeding jejunostomy 31462
- laparoscopy, complicated 35641
Ophthalmological examination under GA | 42503
Optic fundi, examination of | 11212
- nerve meninges, incision of 42548
Optical coherence biometry/tomography | 11240-11243
Oral glucose challenge test - gestational diabetes OGCT | 66545
Oral glucose tolerance test - gestational diabetes GTTP | 66542
Orbit, anophthalmic, insertion of cartilage or implant | 42518
Orbit, facial bones, X-ray of | 57912
Orbital cavity, bone or cartilage graft to | 45593
- cavity, reconstruction of 45590
- contents, partial coherence interferometry of 11240-11243
- contents, ultrasonic echography of 11240,11241,11242,11243
- dermoid, congenital, excision of 42574
- dystopia, correction of 45776,45779
- implant, enucleation of eye 42506,42509
- implant, evisceration of eye and insertion of 42515
Orbital cavity, bone or cartilage graft to wall or floor | 53455
Orbital cavity, reconstruction of wall or floor | 53453
Orbitotomy | 42530,42533
Orchidectomy | 30638,30641
Orchidopexy for undescended testis | 37803,37806,37809
Oro-antral fistula, plastic closure of | 41722
- pin or wire, insertion of 47921
Oro-nasal fistula, plastic closure of | 45714
Orthopaedic pin or wire, insertion of | 47921
- ring fixator, adjustment of 50309
Orthopaedic pin or wire, removal of | 52102
Orthopaedic, plates, removal of | 52105
Orthopantomography | 57960
Osmolality, serum or urine OSML | 66563
Osseo-integration procedures | 45794,45797,45847
- for implantable bone conduction hearing system 41603,41604
Osseointegration procedure | 52627
Ossicular chain reconstruction | 41539,41542
Osteectomy of accessory bone | 48400
Osteectomy of mandible or maxilla | 52360
Osteomyelitis, acute or chronic, operations for | 43500-43524
Osteomyelitis, operation on mandible or maxilla | 52090
Osteomyelitis, operation on skull | 52092
Osteomyelitis,operation on combination of adjoining bones | 52094
Osteoplasty of knee | 49503,49506
Osteotomies, mid-facial | 52382
Osteotomy of accessory bone | 48400
- carpus 48406,48409
- clavicle 48406,48409
- femur 48424,48427
- fibula 48406,48409
- foot 49833-49838
- humerus 48412,48415
- mandible or maxilla 45720-45752
- metatarsal 48400,48403
- midfacial 45753,45754
- pelvic bone 48424
- pelvis 48427
- phalanx 48400,48403
- radius 48406,48409
- rib 48406,48409
- scapula (other than acromion) 48406,48409
- sesamoid bone 48400
- tarsus 48406,48409
- tibia 48418,48421
- ulna 48406,48409
Osteotomy, of mandible or maxilla | 52375
Otitis media, acute, operation for | 41626
Oto-acoustic emission audiometry | 11332
Oval window surgery | 41615
Ovarian biopsy by laparoscopy | 35637
- cyst aspiration 35518
- cyst, excision of, with hysterectomy 35673
- cyst, excision of, with laparotomy 35712-35717
- cyst, puncture of, via laparoscope 35637
- cystectomy, laparoscopic 35638
- transposition with hysterectomy for malignancy 35729
- tumour, radical or debulking operation for 35720
Ovaries, prolapse, operation for | 30387
Oxalate OXAL | 66752
Oxazepam OXAZ | 66812
Oxycephaly, cranial vault reconstruction for | 45785
Oxygen consumption, estimation of | 11503
- therapy, hyperbaric 13020,13025,13030
- ovaries, operation for 30387-30387
- rectum, abdominal rectopexy 32117
- rectum, perineal repair of 32120
- rectum, reduction of *
- rectum, rubber band ligation of 32135
- rectum, sclerotherapy for 32132
- urethra 35570,35573
- urethra, excision of 37369
- vaginal, repair of 35568-35597