1147 – Implantation of fiducial markers into the prostate gland or prostate surgical bed for external beam radiotherapy

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  • Status Complete
  • Type New application
  • Pre-PASC consultation -
  • Pre-MSAC consultation -
  • Outcome Supported

Application details

Reason for application


Service or technology in this application

Implantation of radio-opaque fiducial markers into the prostate gland or prostate surgical bed to assist in the delivery of external-beam radiotherapy. Fiducial markers serve as fiducial reference points during radiotherapy in patients with prostate cancer precisely identify the location of the cancer and deliver accurately guided radiation therapy.

Medical condition this application addresses

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men. Just over 16,000 cases of prostate cancer (nearly 30% of male cancers) are diagnosed each year in Australia and it is responsible for approximately 3,000 deaths annually. Prostate cancer tends to develop in men over the age of fifty. Patients with localised prostate cancer may be treated with radical prostatectomy or radical radiotherapy.

Application documents

Meetings to consider this application

  • PASC meeting: 7 July 2010
  • ESC meeting: 13 - 14 June 2013
  • MSAC meeting: 1 August 2013