How MSAC works

We use a health technology assessment (HTA) framework to assess applications for public funding of health services and technologies. Our assessment process includes consultation that everyone can take part in.

If you are considering applying, also see our apply to MSAC section.

What we assess

We assess health services and technologies, including codependent technologies and health programs. Applications must have a potential funding source.

Our process

Our 2-phase process uses an HTA framework and includes a suitability stage and an assessment report. For most applications, it also includes consideration by our subcommittees.


You are an important part of the MSAC process. Find out how to provide input and get updates on the applications that interest you.

Assessment outcomes

Our main role is to advise the federal health minister on whether to support an application for public funding. The government considers our advice when it makes funding decisions.

Implementing accepted advice

The policy team for the relevant funding program implements government decisions about funding. We are not responsible for implementation. 

Transparency of MSAC processes

To ensure our processes are as transparent as possible, our secretariat publishes information about how we do our work and the applications we receive.

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