1267 – HBA1c Test for the Diagnosis of Diabetes Mellitus

Find out about the service or technology in this application and the medical condition it addresses. You can also view the application documents, the deadlines for providing consultation input and the outcome of the application when the MSAC process is complete.

  • Status Complete
  • Type New application
  • Pre-PASC consultation -
  • Pre-MSAC consultation -
  • Outcome Supported

Application details

Reason for application


Service or technology in this application

The proposal relates to a new item on the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS). HbA1c testing for management of established diabetes is currently reimbursed through the MBS (MBS items 66551 and 66554). This proposal relates to using the same test as a diagnostic tool for diabetes mellitus, in patients with previously undiagnosed diabetes.

Medical condition this application addresses

The disease relevant to the proposed medical service is diabetes mellitus, PDF Version Assessment Report (PDF 5243 KB)essentially Type II diabetes. Diabetes is a common chronic disease in Australia and contributes to mortality and morbidity. Diabetes may affect up to 8% of people between the ages of 25-75 years of age. Early diagnosis is important as effective therapy can reduce the complications associated with this disorder. These complications include eye disease leading to blindness, kidney disease which may require dialysis, ulceration and gangrene of the lower limbs that may require an amputation and an increase rate of myocardial infarction and stroke.

Meetings to consider this application

  • PASC meeting: 
    • 16 - 17 August 2012
    • 13 - 14 December 2012
  • ESC meeting: 12 - 13 June 2014
  • MSAC meeting: 3 - 4 April 2014