1309 – Pain Medicine Professional Attendance Items

Find out about the service or technology in this application and the medical condition it addresses. You can also view the application documents, the deadlines for providing consultation input and the outcome of the application when the MSAC process is complete.

  • Status Complete
  • Type -
  • Pre-PASC consultation -
  • Pre-MSAC consultation -
  • Outcome -

Application details

Reason for application


Service or technology in this application

Patients referred to a pain medicine physician typically have very complex physical symptomatology, as well as significant psychological, social, occupational and emotional issues relating to chronic pain. Many patients also have significant medical conditions, either related to the symptoms of pain, or as co-existing problems.

A detailed medical history and physical examination, encompassing all aspects of the patients’ physical, psychological, occupational and emotional health is required. The ordering of relevant investigations is required, as well as the formulation of a detailed management plan, which may involve referral to other clinicians, and the planning of appropriate follow-up.

Medical condition this application addresses

There is no specific disease or condition which requires initial assessment by a pain medicine physician. Innumerable individual conditions may be responsible for a state of acute or chronic pain.

Application documents

Meetings to consider this application

  • PASC meeting: 
    • 12 to 13 December 2013
    • 16 to 17 April 2014
  • ESC meeting: -
  • MSAC meeting: -