- Status Complete
- Type New application
- Pre-PASC consultation -
- Pre-MSAC consultation -
- Outcome Not supported
Application details
Reason for application
New MBS item.
Service or technology in this application
Fetal fibronectin (fFN) is a glycoprotein promoting adhesion between the fetal chorion and maternal decidua. fFN is typically absent from cervicovaginal secretions between 24 and 36 weeks gestation, becoming detectable again as full term approaches. Elevated levels of fFN above 50 ng/mL in cervicovaginal secretions between 24 and 36 weeks gestation are associated with an increased risk of pre-term birth (Abbott et al, 2012).
The fFN test is a two-step procedure. The first step requires obtaining a cervicovaginal sample from a patient during standard speculum examination. The second involves processing the sample to detect and quantify the level of fFN present in the sample. fFN quantification allows precise assessment of the patients risk of pre-term labour.
Type: Investigative
Medical condition this application addresses
Most women who present with signs and symptoms of preterm delivery go on to deliver at term; however, a minority will experience preterm labour. Preterm birth is regarded as delivery of an infant before 37 weeks gestation. In 2010, preterm birth made up 8.3% of all deliveries in Australia, with 45% of these births occurring at or before Week 34 (AIHW, 2012). Infants born at 34 weeks or earlier often have life-threatening medical conditions. To prevent and delay preterm birth, many women in suspected preterm labour are hospitalised and treated, while others are advised bed rest at home for significant proportions of their pregnancy.
Application documents
PICO confirmation – Consultation protocol
PICO confirmation – Final protocol
Public summary document
Public summary document
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Meetings to consider this application
- PASC meeting:
- 15 - 16 August 2013
- 12 - 13 December 2013
- ESC meeting: 8 - 10 October 2014
- MSAC meeting: 26 - 28 November 2014