1732 – Imlifidase as a desensitisation treatment to enable kidney transplant in highly sensitised adult transplant candidates

Find out about the service or technology in this application and the medical condition it addresses. You can also view the application documents, the deadlines for providing consultation input and the outcome of the application when the MSAC process is complete.

  • Status Complete
  • Type New application
  • Pre-PASC consultation Closed
  • Pre-MSAC consultation Closed
  • Outcome Not supported

Application details

Reason for application

Highly specialised therapy – National Health Reform Agreement

Service or technology in this application

Imlifidase is a treatment used to prevent the body from rejecting a newly transplanted kidney. It is used before transplantation in people who have antibodies against the donor kidney and are considered ’highly sensitised’ based on a positive crossmatch test. It is a desensitisation treatment, used to convert people from crossmatch positive, to negative and therefore reducing the likelihood of the recipient's body rejecting the donated kidney.

Type: Therapeutic technology

Medical condition this application addresses

End-stage kidney disease is defined by partial or completely failed kidney function. Patients require regular dialysis or a kidney transplant for survival.

Consultation survey and deadlines

  • PASC consultation: Closed
  • MSAC consultation: Closed Friday 9 June 2023

Meetings to consider this application

  • PASC meeting: 8–9 December 2022
  • ESC meeting: 8–9 June 2023
  • MSAC meeting: 27-28 July 2023