MSAC Guidelines Review Webinars

Page last updated: 04 July 2024 (this page is generated automatically and reflects updates to other content within the website)

Introduction to MSAC

To provide some context to the MSAC Guidelines Review, an introductory webinar was hosted by the Department on Thursday 27 August 2020 (3-4pm). The Introduction to MSAC webinar outlined MSAC’s role and responsibility, the MSAC process, and provided some basic information about the purpose of the MSAC Guidelines Review.

Please see the Presentation Slides (PDF 853 KB) from this webinar.

The recording of this webinar can also be viewed through your internet browser.

MSAC Guidelines Review Consumer Briefing Webinar

As part of the consultation process for the MSAC Guidelines Review, consumers and consumers groups are invited to comment on the draft revised MSAC Guidelines (Draft Guidelines).

To assist consumers and consumer organisations to contribute during the consultation process, this Consumer Briefing webinar will highlight the key changes in the Draft Guidelines. Particular focus will be on changes that are likely to be of most relevance to consumers and consumer organisations.

Please see the Presentation Slides (PDF 452 KB) from this webinar.

The recording of this webinar can also be viewed through your internet browser.

MSAC Guidelines Review Technical User Briefing Webinar

The MSAC Guidelines provide instructions on what information is required by MSAC and its Sub-Committees to support a proposed new health technology. The objective of the Review is to incorporate guidance on technologies or methods that have evolved since the previous review, and to ensure assessment processes are aligned with best practice in HTA.

This Technical User Briefing webinar is intended to inform stakeholders of key features in the Draft Guidelines. The webinar will focus on structural and content differences (compared to current Guidelines).

Please see the Presentation Slides (PDF 1229 KB) from this webinar.

The recording of this webinar can also be viewed through your internet browser.