- Status Complete
- Type -
- Pre-PASC consultation -
- Pre-MSAC consultation -
- Outcome -
Application details
Reason for application
New MBS item.
Service or technology in this application
The RAS mutation test is a combination of genetic tests, conducted on a biopsy sample, to tell whether a tumour carries a RAS mutation(s). KRAS and NRAS are highly related members of the RAS oncogene family which have an important role in the development and continued growth of colorectal cancer. The KRAS gene is found to be mutated, or changed, in about 40% of people with colorectal cancer. The NRAS gene is found to be mutated in an additional 10-15% of patients. The other ~50% of people have a non-mutated (sometimes called “wild type”) RAS genes.
Type: Investigative
Medical condition this application addresses
Widespread colorectal cancer is treated with chemotherapy and patients may receive several sequential courses of different types of chemotherapy as the disease progresses. For patients with widespread disease the prognosis is poor with only 10% of patients still alive 5 years after diagnosis.
Application documents
Public summary document
Predicted versus actual
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Meetings to consider this application
- PASC meeting: Not required
- ESC meeting: 12 - 13 June 2014
- MSAC meeting:
- 3 October 2014
- 27 July 2018