1662.1 – The reduction of mitral regurgitation through tissue approximation using transvenous/transeptal techniques

Find out about the service or technology in this application and the medical condition it addresses. You can also view the application documents, the deadlines for providing consultation input and the outcome of the application when the MSAC process is complete.

  • Status Complete
  • Type Re-application
  • Pre-PASC consultation Not applicable
  • Pre-MSAC consultation Closed
  • Outcome Not supported

Application details

Reason for application

New MBS item.

Service or technology in this application

A catheter-based technique for the delivery of a permanent implant to the mitral valve via transeptal access. The implant clasps the anterior and posterior leaflets around a spacer, thus creating a double orifice and reducing mitral regurgitation (MR). The Implant System consists of the Steerable Catheter (outermost layer), the Implant Catheter (innermost layer), and the implant. The Implant System percutaneously delivers the implant to the valve via a femoral vein access using a transvenous, transeptal approach. The implant is deployed and secured to the leaflets of the valve, acting as a filler in the regurgitant orifice. The primary components of the Implant are the spacer, paddles, and clasps made from Nitinol. This Application refers to the proposed medical service as transcatheter mitral valve repair.

Type: Therapeutic

Medical condition this application addresses

MR (also known as mitral insufficiency), is a condition in which incompetency of the mitral valve causes abnormal backflow of blood from the left ventricle to the left atrium during the systolic phase of the cardiac cycle. There are two types of MR: degenerative and functional. Degenerative mitral regurgitation, also known as primary MR, refers to regurgitation resulting from the structural abnormality of the mitral valve leaflets and/or valve apparatus. In contrast, functional mitral regurgitation, also known as secondary MR, occurs when the valve and/or valve apparatus is structurally normal, but dysfunction, distortion, or dilation of the left atrial or ventricular chambers results in tethering of the leaflets and/or mitral annular dilation. MR is associated with an increased risk for heart failure and death

Previous applications

Consultation survey and deadlines

  • MSAC consultation: Closed Friday 7 October 2022

Meetings to consider this application

  • PASC meeting: Bypassing PASC
  • ESC meeting: 6 to 7 October 2022
  • MSAC meeting: 24 to 25 November 2022