1736 – Lipoprotein(a) testing as an independent predictor of cardiovascular disease

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Application details

Reason for application

New MBS item.

Service or technology in this application

Lipoprotein(a) (Lp(a)) can be measured using a variety of pathology methods. Lp(a) levels are proposed to be measured used to in individuals who would otherwise be considered to be at moderate risk of Coronary Heart Disease (CHD). High levels of Lp(a) are considered a major component of “residual risk”: the risk of CHD that remains despite optimising modifiable common risk factors such as obesity, smoking and hypertension.

Type: Investigative technology

Medical condition this application addresses

Cardiovascular disease encompasses coronary artery disease, cerebrovascular disease, peripheral artery disease and aortic atherosclerosis, and thoracic or aortic aneurysms.

CHD (also known as coronary artery disease) is an accumulation of plaque build-up in the walls of the arteries that supply blood to the heart (called coronary arteries) and other parts of the body. Plaque is made up of deposits of cholesterol and other substances in the artery. Plaque build-up causes the inside of the arteries to narrow over time, which can partially or totally block the blood flow. This process is called atherosclerosis. For some people, the first sign of CHD is a heart attack, with blood supply being blocked to the heart.

Consultation survey and deadlines

Meetings to consider this application

  • PASC meeting: 8–9 December 2022
  • ESC meeting: To be confirmed
  • MSAC meeting: To be confirmed