The government is now operating in accordance with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions, pending the outcome of the 2025 federal election.

Evaluation Subcommittee (ESC) terms of reference

The ESC terms of reference sets out its purpose, role, composition, meeting schedule and other details.


The Evaluation Subcommittee (ESC) is a standing subcommittee of the Medical Services Advisory Committee (MSAC) with membership to include health economics, epidemiology, public health, consumer and clinical expertise. Its focus is to provide advice on the quality, validity and relevance of internal and external assessments for applications being considered by MSAC.

Roles and function

To review the evidence, expert opinion and assumptions integrated in the clinical comparisons, economic evaluations and financial analyses in each assessment for an application to be considered by MSAC.

  • To confirm the clinical claim made by the applicant as to guide subsequent economic evaluation (for optional 2-stage assessment approach only) before consideration by MSAC.
  • To ensure that the economic evaluations and financial/budgetary analyses in an assessment are presented from a healthcare system perspective, with disaggregation to the perspective of individual payers in the healthcare system (e.g. Commonwealth Government, state and territory governments, consumers, private health insurance).
  • To provide advice on the fees (full and disaggregated) for the service subject to an application.
  • To provide advice, where requested by the department, on draft item descriptors.
  • To advise MSAC on each review of an application, by summarising the essential facts, identifying any important issues to be considered by MSAC, including equity of access issues, and advising on their applicability for MSAC’s advice in response to the application.
  • To provide advice on the development and appropriateness of MSAC guidelines and associated documents in relation to evaluating assessments.
  • To provide advice on broader aspects of MSAC issues particularly with respect to evaluation of clinical, economic and financial evidence as requested by MSAC, the MSAC Executive or the department.
  • To create working groups as necessary to perform its roles and function.
  • To formally advise the MSAC Executive and the department when it is not appropriate that an application progress further in the MSAC process.


Members of ESC are appointed by the MSAC Executive according to a membership composition defined by MSAC.

The Chair of ESC should be a member of MSAC and the MSAC Executive.

Other members of ESC may or may not be members of MSAC.

Where feasible, and as agreed by MSAC Executive, an ESC member may also be appointed as a member of another MSAC sub-committee.


To enable an ESC meeting to proceed, half the number of members plus one is required.

Meeting schedule

ESC business may be conducted via teleconference/video conference and face to face where/when required. Where necessary, business may also be conducted out of session, usually via email.

ESC meets face to face seven weeks before each MSAC meeting according to a timetable published at least 12 months in advance and at other times as determined by the ESC Chair.


ESC secretariat

Contact us for queries about the Evaluation Subcommittee (ESC), assessment reports or the ESC consideration stage of the application process.
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