PICO Advisory Subcommittee (PASC) terms of reference

The PASC terms of reference sets out its purpose, role, composition, meeting schedule and other details.


The PICO Advisory Subcommittee (PASC) is a standing subcommittee of the Medical Services Advisory Committee (MSAC) with membership to include decision analysis, health economics, epidemiology, public health, consumer and clinical expertise. Its focus is on the task of confirming the population, intervention, prior test, comparator and outcomes (PICO/PPICO) of the application’s proposed medical service. This in turn informs the construction of the decision analytic for the economic evaluation that is subsequently conducted during the assessment stage of the process.

Roles and functions

To confirm in detail the PICO of the proposed medical service.

  • To ensure that each PICO confirmation accurately captures current clinical practice and reasonably reflects likely future practice with the proposed new medical service.
  • To take into account targeted public consultation feedback (on the application form and PICO confirmation where relevant) from appropriate professional bodies/organisations representing the group(s) of health professionals who provided the proposed medical service during consideration.
  • To ensure stakeholders from the health profession, industry and the community have an opportunity to provide input into the PICO confirmation should they wish.
  • To formally advise MSAC and the department when it is not appropriate that an application progress further in the MSAC process
  • To consider feedback provided through public consultation as received or requested by the committee/s.
  • To create working groups as necessary to perform its roles and function.


Members of PASC are appointed by the MSAC Executive according to a membership composition defined by MSAC.

The Chair of PASC should be a member of MSAC and the MSAC Executive.

Other members of PASC may or may not be members of MSAC.

Where feasible, and as agreed by MSAC Executive, a PASC member may also be appointed as a member of another MSAC subcommittee.

PASC members are expected to attend PASC meetings.


To enable a PASC meeting to proceed, half the number of members plus one is required.

Meeting schedule

PASC business may be conducted via teleconference/video conference and face to face where/when required. Where necessary, business may also be conducted out of session, usually via email.

PASC meets face to face according to a timetable published at least 12 months in advance in a cycle determined by scheduled opportunities for the public and other stakeholders to provide input on draft PICO confirmations and at other times as determined by the PASC Chair.


PASC secretariat

Contact us for queries about the PICO Advisory Subcommittee (PASC), applying to MSAC or the pre-assessment phase of the application process.
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