If you are considering applying, also see suitable health services and technologies and the types of applications we accept.
New and amended services and technologies
Our terms of reference outline the health services and technologies we can assess for public funding. Applications can be for:
- funding for new services or technologies
- amendments to services or technologies that are already funded (such as changes to the type of technology or who can access a service).
MBS funding
Most of the applications we receive are for funding through the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS). Services we have recently assessed for MBS funding include:
- imaging services
- pathology tests
- surgical and other therapeutic procedures.
Not all MBS items are in scope for MSAC. For example, we do not assess applications to expand the scope of practice of allied health professionals.
Non-MBS funding
We also receive and assess applications for funding of:
- health delivery programs such as cancer screening and health support programs
- high cost, highly specialised therapies that meet the definition in Appendix A of the National Health Reform Agreement.
Referred applications
If we receive a referral from the relevant committee, group or policy team, we also assess other types of services and technologies. These include:
- medical devices and human tissue products referred by the Medical Devices and Human Tissue Advisory Committee
- blood and blood-related products (such as albumin, blood factors and products derived from plasma) referred by the Jurisdictional Blood Committee
- diabetes products referred by the relevant policy team in the Department of Health and Aged Care.
Codependent health technologies
Codependent technologies are those that need to be combined to work as intended.
We assess one or both technologies in codependent applications if they are within our terms of reference. We work with other committees as needed.
For example, a medicine only works as intended if a pathology test is used first to identify the most suitable patients. The medicine and the pathology test are codependent.
We would assess the pathology test for MBS funding. The Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee would assess the medicine for Pharmaceutical Benefits Schedule funding.
Funding sources
We can only assess health services and technologies that have a potential funding source. The funding sources and programs we may assess applications for include:
- Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) – this schedule lists the Medicare services that the Australian Government subsidises.
- National Diabetes Services Scheme (NDSS) – this scheme subsidises products to help people manage life with diabetes.
- Health screening programs – these programs offer free screening tests to people in the target group.
- National Product Price List – the blood and blood-related products on this list are provided at no direct cost to patients.
- Prescribed List of Benefits for Medical Devices and Human Tissue Products – this list sets out the medical devices and human tissue products that private health insurers must pay a benefit for.
- National Health Reform Agreement – funding for high cost, highly specialised therapies is available under this agreement.
- Pharmacy programs – the government funds programs under community pharmacy agreements to improve access to medicines.
What other committees and groups assess
See the related committees and groups that also assess health technologies for the Australian Government.