Expertise we are looking for
We welcome applications from relevant fields. These include:
- clinical medicine
- health economics
- consumer matters
- epidemiology
- health policy
- public health.
Find out more about who can be a member.
Benefits of being a member
Being a committee member means you can help to ensure our health system:
- is effective and value for money
- considers the healthcare needs of the community.
Find out more about what members do.
Committee members receive remuneration for their work.
MSAC (main committee) members receive remuneration in line with the Remuneration Tribunal determination for part-time office holders.
Remuneration for subcommittee and working group members is not linked to a tribunal determination. For the current remuneration rates, contact the department.
How to apply
The department will advertise MSAC EOI in its vacancies listing. The EOI will usually be part of a combined EOI for all health technology assessment advisory committees.
To apply, you may need to provide:
- a statement of claims addressing any relevant selection criteria
- a current curriculum vitae
- a completed and signed conflict of interest declaration form
- a completed private interest declaration form
- contact details of 2 referees.
Check the EOI to confirm what you need to include in your application.
The department may run targeted processes based on our and our subcommittees’ needs.
Selection process
The department:
- will assess the information you provide in your application
- may contact your referees.
Shortlisting and appointment
The department will let you know if it shortlists you for appointment to a committee. It will do some final checks before the federal health minister (or delegate) confirms an appointment.
You may need to submit extra or updated documents, such as a more recent conflict of interest declaration form.
Merit pool
The department may include suitable applicants in a merit pool, which will:
- be used to identify candidates for future committee positions
- remain current until the department runs another EOI process.
If the department includes you in a merit pool, report any change in your circumstances. This may affect your eligibility for appointment.
The department may seek candidates from outside the merit pool.