Current members
View the roles and expertise of our members in MSAC, the PICO Advisory Subcommittee (PASC) and the Evaluation Subcommittee (ESC).
Who can be a member
Our members are drawn from a range of experts who can assess the types of applications we are likely to receive. Find out about the expertise we need and how to apply.
You cannot be a member if you have a perceived or actual conflict of interest that cannot be managed.
We may invite non-members with the expertise we need to advise our committee, subcommittees or working groups.
Length of membership
The federal health minister (or delegate) generally appoints members for 2 to 4 years. They may stagger memberships to ensure the right balance of members.
What members do
Members help to ensure our health system is effective and value for money. Members must:
- sign a deed of confidentiality when they are appointed
- report any perceived or actual conflict of interest
- attend committee meetings
- attend meetings about specific applications or committee work
- read committee papers, comment on documents and respond to emails
- take part in subcommittees and working groups as decided by the MSAC Executive
- help carry out the role and functions of the committee as set out in the terms of reference.
The MSAC chair and deputy chairs:
- lead the committee members
- attend extra meetings as needed
- represent MSAC at seminars and other events.
A person can be a member of MSAC, a subcommittee and a working group at the same time.
When members are selected
The federal health minister (or delegate) may select new members if:
- we expect to receive MSAC applications that need certain expertise to assess
- the term of a current member is due to expire, or a member resigns.
Find out how to become a member.
Member composition
The relevant terms of reference set out the requirements for the: