1310 – Optical Coherence Tomography

Find out about the service or technology in this application and the medical condition it addresses. You can also view the application documents, the deadlines for providing consultation input and the outcome of the application when the MSAC process is complete.

  • Status Complete
  • Type New application
  • Pre-PASC consultation -
  • Pre-MSAC consultation -
  • Outcome Not supported

Application details

Reason for application


Service or technology in this application

Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a non-contact, non-invasive high resolution imaging technique that provides cross-sectional tomographic images of the ocular microstructure through the thickness of the retina. It is analogous to ultrasound, measuring the back-reflection intensity of infrared light rather than sound.

An OCT image is a two-dimensional data set that represents differences in optical back-scattering or back-reflection in a cross-sectional plane. For the purpose of visualisation, OCT data are acquired by computer and displayed as a two-dimensional grey scale or false colour image. OCT images can be analysed qualitatively or quantitatively to detect retinal abnormalities. As a result of providing detailed information on the architectural morphology of the retina on the level of individual retinal layers, OCT has been proposed to detect early pathological changes, even before clinical signs or visual symptoms occur . OCT has been proposed as a new ‘gold standard’ structural test for retinal abnormalities.

Medical condition this application addresses

The medical condition is central retinal vein occlusion (CRVO). Retinal vein occlusion (RVO) is a common cause of visual loss, caused by an obstruction of the retinal venous system, most commonly involving occlusion of a branch retinal vein (BRVO) or the central retinal vein (CRVO) (Laouri et al 2011). Thrombus formation may be the primary cause of occlusion however other possible causes include external compression or disease of the vein wall e.g. vasculitis (Laouri et al 2011). Secondary to vein obstruction, retinal ischemia occurs and signals the release of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), which in turn destabilizes the endothelial tight junctions and promotes endothelial cell proliferation. CRVO is classically characterised by macular oedema, increased dilation and tortuosity of all retinal veins, retinal oedema cotton wool spots, areas of capillary non-perfusion, widespread deep and superficial haemorrhages (Coscas et al 2011).

Application documents

PICO confirmation

Public summary document

Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) – Assessment of investigative medical services for monitoring

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Meetings to consider this application

  • PASC meeting: 
    • 16 - 17 August 2012
    • 13 - 14 December 2012
  • ESC meeting: 13 - 14 June 2013
  • MSAC meeting: 1 August 2013