- Status -
- Type -
- Pre-PASC consultation -
- Pre-MSAC consultation -
- Outcome -
Application details
Reason for application
Amendment to MBS item.
Service or technology in this application
Germline BRCA mutation testing to determine eligibility for talazoparib treatment in patients with locally advanced or metastatic HER2-negative breast cancer (either hormone receptor positive or triple negative).
Type: Investigative
Medical condition this application addresses
Breast cancer is a major health burden worldwide, including in Australia, where over 16,500 new cases were diagnosed in 2014. In 2018, it is estimated that 18,235 new cases of breast cancer will be diagnosed in Australia (148 males and 18,087 females).
Breast cancer is multifactorial and thought to result from interactions between a number of different environmental, lifestyle, hormonal and genetic factors, including a family history of breast cancer. “Hereditary” or “familial breast cancer” breast cancer suggests that there is a genetic predisposition to breast cancer associated with a particular gene or set of genes, within family groups. Within this group of high risk genes are mutations in the key tumour suppressor genes - the BReast CAncer susceptibility genes 1 or 2 (BRCA1/2). Such mutations may be inherited (germline) or arise de novo (somatic) as a result of combinatorial genetic and environmental factors.
Specific subgroups of individuals have been identified as having a higher proportion of individuals who carry a BRCA mutation, including those who have been diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer (TNBC), men and those from different ethnic groups, including Black populations and those of Ashkenazi Jewish heritage.
Application documents
Application form
Consultation survey
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Meetings to consider this application
- PASC meeting: -
- ESC meeting: -
- MSAC meeting: -