Develop public summary document

You can comment on the public summary document and identify sensitive information for redaction before it is published on this website.

The public summary document is published about 8 to 10 weeks after the MSAC meeting.

What you need to know

Our secretariat and the relevant policy team develop a public summary document after we consider your application at an MSAC meeting. It:

  • captures our deliberations and the meeting outcome
  • sets out any issues or concerns we have about the application
  • outlines the evidence for our decisions
  • explains the rationale for our funding advice and what needs to be done before acting on our advice.

We ratify (finalise) the document before you receive a copy for your review.

What you need to do

1. Access the document

You will receive a copy of the ratified public summary document in the Health Products Portal.

If we did not support your application for funding or deferred our advice, you will also receive a form to request a debrief meeting.

2. Review the document

You may:

  • request the correction of any errors
  • provide a short comment to be published with the document – it must be up to one paragraph long and not include inflammatory, emotional or marketing statements
  • request the redaction of any information you think is commercially sensitive.

Our secretariat will make the final decision on what is redacted.

3. Provide your response

Upload your response in the Health Products Portal within 10 business days.

To finalise the public summary document, our secretariat will consider your response and:

  • correct any agreed factual errors
  • make any agreed redactions
  • include your short comment, if agreed.

If you want a debrief, you must also return the request form within 10 business days.

Outcome and next steps

Our secretariat will publish the public summary document, with any agreed redactions, corrections and comment, on your application page.

The next step depends on the outcome of your application. If we decided to:

  • support or partially support funding – the policy team responsible for the relevant funding program will progress our advice to government. If accepted, the policy team will let you know what the implementation process is.
  • not support funding – the next step is to attend the debrief meeting, if you requested one. You cannot appeal MSAC outcomes, but you can re-apply after addressing our issues or concerns.
  • defer our advice – the next step is to attend the debrief meeting, if you requested one. You will also be notified when we have finalised our advice. (We may decide to consider your application again after receiving the extra information we needed – our secretariat will contact you if this occurs. This may lead to another public summary document.)
  • provide other advice – we will outline the next steps, if any, in the public summary document. For example, we may require another review in a few years.

If you withdrew your application after our consideration, our secretariat may still publish the public summary document in part or in full.


Contact your application manager or our secretariat if you have any questions.

MSAC secretariat

Contact us for queries about the Medical Services Advisory Committee (MSAC) or the MSAC consideration stage of the application process.
Last updated: