Notify outcome of application

Our secretariat will let you know the outcome before the public summary document is published, if you agree to keep it confidential until then.

You may receive early notification of the outcome 2 weeks after the MSAC meeting.

What you need to know

The public summary document explains our advice about funding for your application.

Our secretariat will publish it on your application page about 8 to 10 weeks after we have considered your application.

You can find out the outcome earlier if you agree to keep it confidential until the publication date.

What you need to do

Our secretariat will contact you in the Health Products Portal soon after the MSAC meeting to see if you agree to keep the outcome confidential.

Send your response to our secretariat. If you:

  • agree – our secretariat will tell you the outcome 10 business days after the MSAC meeting.
  • do not agree – you must wait 6 to 8 weeks to find out the outcome. This is when you will receive the public summary document for comment.

Next steps

The next step is to develop the public summary document. You will receive a copy for your comment before our secretariat publishes it.


Contact your application manager or our secretariat if you have any questions.

MSAC secretariat

Contact us for queries about the Medical Services Advisory Committee (MSAC) or the MSAC consideration stage of the application process.
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