Develop a department-contracted assessment report (DCAR)

In this step, our secretariat contracts a health technology assessment (HTA) group to develop a DCAR. This only happens if our secretariat has agreed to one for your application.

Most DCARs take about 24 weeks to complete.

What you need to know

A DCAR is an assessment report developed by an independent HTA group. This occurs after the pre-assessment phase if:

Our secretariat will contract a suitable HTA group through a panel of providers.

What you need to do

1. Provide information as needed

Applicant involvement in the development of the DCAR will vary. You may have little to no contact with the HTA group if:

The HTA group may need your input if:

  • you hold relevant data such as trial results that are not published
  • it has questions about matters in your application form, PICO set or elsewhere.

Your application manager will facilitate all communication between you and the HTA group.

2. Note any relevant new information

Let your application manager know about any new evidence or clinical trial outcomes that have become available since you applied to MSAC.

Next steps

When the DCAR is complete, the HTA group will lodge it with our secretariat. This starts the assessment phase of the MSAC process for your application.

In the next step, you will have an opportunity to respond to the DCAR – this is your pre-ESC response.

Also, for applications on the expedited pathway, our secretariat will publish:

This will start consultation on your application.


Contact your application manager or our secretariat if you have any questions.

ESC secretariat

Contact us for queries about the Evaluation Subcommittee (ESC), assessment reports or the ESC consideration stage of the application process.
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