PASC ratifies PICO confirmation

After PICO Advisory Subcommittee (PASC) consideration, the health technology assessment (HTA) group will update the PICO confirmation as needed before PASC ratifies it. You can review the ratified PICO confirmation before publication. This step is for applications on the standard pathway.

The PICO confirmation will be ratified about 7 weeks after the PASC meeting.

What you need to know

This step is only for applications on the standard pathway.

The HTA group that drafted the PICO confirmation will update it in line with the recommendations from PASC.

PASC will then ratify the updated PICO confirmation after confirming it is accurate. To ratify a PICO confirmation means to accept it as final. 

Once PASC has done this, our secretariat will send you a copy. This usually occurs approximately six weeks after the PASC meeting. 

To finalise the ratified PICO confirmation, our secretariat will:

  • fix any errors you have identified that they agree with
  • redact the document as agreed with you
  • include your comments.

What you need to do

1. Respond to any questions

Our secretariat may contact you with questions as PASC ratifies the PICO confirmation. Respond by the due date.

2. Review the document

About 7 weeks after the PASC meeting, our secretariat will send you the ratified PICO confirmation in the Health Products Portal and ask you to:

  • acknowledge the document will be published on this website
  • confirm that publishing the document will not result in breach of copyright
  • identify text you think is commercially sensitive or confidential for redaction or confirm there is nothing to redact.

Enter any comments you may have in the box at the end of the document. You can:

  • comment on factual errors – our secretariat will fix these if it can confirm the errors
  • make a brief applicant comment – this will not result in changes to the document, but our secretariat will include it at the end of the published PICO confirmation.

3. Provide your comments

Upload your documents within 5 business days in the Health Products Portal. To find out how to do this, see uploading your post-PASC response.

If you do not respond, our secretariat will take this to mean they can publish the unredacted document without breaching copyright.

Our secretariat will publish the ratified PICO confirmation with any agreed redactions. The document will:

Next steps

This step ends the pre-assessment phase for your application. The assessment phase of the MSAC process will not begin until an assessment report is lodged for your application. If:

  • you plan to lodge an applicant-developed assessment report (ADAR) – the next step is to develop the ADAR
  • our secretariat has agreed to a department-contracted assessment report (DCAR) – they will contract an HTA group to develop the DCAR.


Contact your application manager or our secretariat if you have any questions.

PASC secretariat

Contact us for queries about the PICO Advisory Subcommittee (PASC), applying to MSAC or the pre-assessment phase of the application process.
Last updated: